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Access to largest whole genome methylation data base for rare genetic disorders

EpiSign Knowledge Database

EpiSign, developed by Dr. Sadikovic and his research group, is the first clinically validated test designed to analyze genomic DNA methylation for diagnosis of genetic neurodevelopmental disorders. It uses machine learning-based algorithms to compare patient’s peripheral blood DNA methylation to the EpiSign Knowledge Database. The EpiSign Knowledge Database contains thousands of reference samples including a growing list of genetic conditions involving genetic developmental and intellectual delay and disabilities.

The EpiSign Knowledge Database can be utilized by healthcare providers to determine if their patient may have a detectable episignature. Register for use of the EpiSign Knowledge Database to gain access to the largest whole genome methylation database for rare genetic disorders.






How to order

Placeholder imageFor patients in Canada, please visit EpiSign-CAN to determine if you or your patient is eligible for the Genome Canada Project.

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